Between Two Cities

Nick Green uploaded a Southeastern Wisconsin classic! Filmed by Pete Watkins it was one of the earlier Southport Rigging skate videos. I like this one more than Locals Only and Burning Daylight mostly due to the skaters having some say in how their part was edited and what music was used. It’s a very raw video that prominently features Washington Bowl skatepark when it had a fence around it. Ah memories.


Dusty is moving to Arizona in about a week. We’ve been in the streets filming all summer for a full part for him. It’s been a trip working on it and we didn’t even accomplish half of what we set out to do. But between him getting married, working 40 hours a week, and traveling to Arizona to set up his new life; he hammered out a lot.

Dusty has always supported and pushed Broke Skateboards since day one. I don’t know what we are going to be without him but I know he’ll keep killing it no matter where he is. Happy trails Dusty, you’re one of the good ones.